
Co-Manager and Selling Group Policy/Application Info

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Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Single Family Housing Rotating Co-Manager and Selling Group Policy

NIFA has established a Rotating Co-Manager and Selling Group Policy that a) creates a framework and qualifications for investment banking firms to be considered to participate as a Selling Group member in connection with the issuance by NIFA of its Single Family Housing Revenue Bonds and b) provides for a rotating Co-Manager position to be filled, at NIFA's discretion, based upon performance in the Selling Group.  To review the Policy, please click here

Pursuant to the Policy, NIFA intends to work with a team of four Co-Managers, three 'Designated Co-Managers' and one 'Rotating Co-Manager'.  For the Selling Group, NIFA intends to work with a team of five firms, however, from time-to-time NIFA may include up to two additional firms on a trial basis, totally at the discretion of NIFA.  Please see the full Policy for further information.

Selling Group Applications will be accepted for consideration during two cycles:

  • -For consideration for bond sales after Jan 1st, applications are due on or before December 20th.
  • -For consideration for bond sales after July 1st, applications are due on or before June 20

Applications are only necessary if you are not currently participating in the NIFA co-manager or selling group.

Please see below for details on submitting a Selling Group Application.

Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Single Family Housing Revenue Bonds Selling Group Application

In order to be considered to be a part of NIFA’s Selling Group (the “Selling Group”), this Selling Group Application must be completed and submitted (by email) to NIFA at  No hard copies of the Application are required.  The minimum qualifications for consideration to be included as a member of the Selling Group (the “Selling Group Minimum Qualifications”) are the following:


  • Having served as a syndicate member on not less than $20 billion of municipal bond financings during the past 12 months; or

  • Having served as a syndicate member on not less than $2.5 billion of municipal housing bond financings specifically for “state HFAs” during the past 12 months.  For this purpose, a “state HFA” is defined as a housing finance agency member of the National Council of State Housing Agencies (; or

  • Having served as a syndicate member on not less than $250 million of municipal bond financings during the past 12 months for any municipal bond offering for issuers within the state of Nebraska. 


Selling Group Applicant Required Information

  1. Contact information for NIFA’s primary contact at your firm.
    1. Name of Organization 
    2. Primary Contact Name
    3. Title
    4. Address
    5. Telephone
    6. Email
  2. List all syndicate member positions for all municipal bond sales in the last 12 months.  For each bond sale, please list in tabular form in reverse chronological order the following: (i) sale date, (ii) issuer, (iii)  name of issuance, (iv) amount of issue, (v) bona fide (as defined above) orders submitted, (vi) orders allotted and (vii) percentage of orders allotted.  
  3. List all syndicate member positions for bond sales for a state HFA in the last 12 months. For each bond sale, please list in tabular form in reverse chronological order the following: (i) sale date, (ii) issuer, (iii)  name of issuance, (iv) amount of issue, (v) bona fide (as defined above) orders submitted, (vi) orders allotted and (vii) percentage of orders allotted. 
  4. List all syndicate member positions for bond sales for an issuer located in Nebraska. For each bond sale, please list in tabular form in reverse chronological order the following: (i) sale date, (ii) issuer, (iii)  name of issuance, (iv) amount of issue, (v) bona fide (as defined above) orders submitted, (vi) orders allotted and (vii) percentage of orders allotted. 
  5. For a Selling Group Applicant that has served as a member of the syndicate for a NIFA single family bond issue in the past 36 months, please list each financing in chronological order and the total number of bona fide orders (As defined above).  Please list each financing on a separate line. 
  6. List any distribution partners of the Applicant for municipal bonds that would be available to NIFA should your firm be a part of NIFA’s Selling Group.
  7. Include any additional information you believe is relevant to NIFA in its selection.  Note: The response to this Question 7 may not exceed two pages with the following formatting requirements: font size >= 12pt; 8.5” x 11” page; all margins >0.5”; and line spacing >= 1.  

All information required in this Selling Group Applicant Required Information shall be submitted in a single pdf document as well as a single excel file with each question separately bookmarked within the pdf in the order asked.

Excessive information outside of the information required by this Application will not be viewed favorably by NIFA.  NIFA reserves the right to reject non-conforming Selling Group Applicant Required Information submissions.

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